I purchased this stroller for my 19 month old and newborn. It is very attractive, and I get tons of compliments on how "cool" it looks, but, if I were to do it over, I would have purchased a less expensive model. For as good as this stroller looks, it is not a great buy because of the many annoying features! Quattro Tour Travel System
It is EXTREMELY heavy, and lifting it up to put in the back of my mini-van is quite hard. Taking it out of the trunk and setting it up is no easy task either. First you have to lift the VERY heavy stroller, then hit the release to open it, then you have to unlock the two front wheels, and the two back wheels (because for some reason, everytime you close the stroller for storage, all the wheels lock!), then you need to lay the back seat down to be able to fit an infant carrier in it (which is not easy either!...I have to tilt my poor daughter almost completely upright to get her seat in). Quattro tour travel system
I would not recommend this Quattro tour travel system stroller.
I received this as a gift when I was pregnant with my 2nd. I have a 2 year old and an infant now. I have to agree with the other review - it can be very difficult to set this stroller up. It is heavy and you have to have a system in place to get it in and out of the car. I have to line it up parallel with my minivan trunk and then lift it up and put it in the same parallel position. It can be very difficult to manuever once you have lifted it into the trunk. It just barely fits sideways in my trunk. Same story here with getting my infant into the rear seat. You have to always recline the back seat first which was tricky at first but now I am used to it. Then you have to tip the infant seat in a weird way to get it to lock into the seat. The front wheels lock in a straight position each time and the back brake goes on each time you fold it up. I'm used to all those weird features now. Quattro tour travel system
BROKEN HANDLES - we just flew to FL last week and the stroller didn't make it through the gate check in process without breaking. BOTH handles broke off completely when they gave me my stroller back at the gate. I'm about to start my research on how I get replacement handles - I'll be sure to edit my review based on what I hear back from Quattro tour travel system Graco.
I did a lot of research before suggesting this stroller and it does get great reviews. I'm not sure what went wrong here... Quattro tour travel system
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